Exploring Faith, Pursuing Grace
The EFPG podcast was started by Kevin Pendergrass and Dr. Lee Grant. After 105 episodes, Kevin and Lee needed a break, so they turned the reigns over to their good friend Daniel Rogers. Daniel is a co-minister at the North Broad Church in Albertville, Alabama. His website is https://danielr.net.
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
E38: How To Read the Bible: The Regulative Principle
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
What is the best way to read the Bible? That's an all too common question, with different answers from practically everyone. Every Christian agrees that the Bible contains timeless wisdom and is true, inspired of God, and reveals to us the mind of God and what it is he desires from those who follow Him.But how is the Bible to be read? Is it a rulebook that we are to parse, study, and dissect so that we can know how God demands to be worshiped?
In this episode, Kevin and Lee discuss the Regulative Principle, which declares that the function of the Bible is to reveal to man God's regulations for how Christians are to live and worship him, and why that approach isn't the most helpful approach, especially if unity is to be pursued.Have Questions? Concerns? Email us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
Thanks for listnening!
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
E37: Creating Safe Spaces for our Gay Neighbors - Dallas James Pritt
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
In modern culture there are few topics as polarizing as LGBTQ+ issues, especially within the conversation (or lack thereof) in religious spheres. An untold multitude of Christians have struggled with their sexuality and how to reconcile that fundamental aspect of who they are with what it means to follow Jesus.
This conversation isn't one where we dive into the theological arguments in favor of or opposed to LGBTQ+ issues and practices.
Kevin and Lee are joined by Dallas James Pritt, who is both gay and a Christian, to discuss how those who are Christians can have better conversations with their LGBTQ+ neighbors.https://www.dallasjamespritt.com/
Dallas' award-winning short film, "A Heart's Calling" can be seen here.
Have questions? Suggestions? Holler at us! exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
E36: Legalism; What Is It, and How Do We Overcome It?
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Legalism is a term thrown around by a lot of people and has a wide range of meaning for folks who use it. What exactly is legalism? How do we know if we're legalistic in our worldview? How do we overcome it?Matt Dabbs of Wineskins joins us for this conversation, and we hope it's beneficial for you all.Matt's work can be found here;
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf4oeVvZX5aeORFaNMKb__wAs always, email us with your questions or comments at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
E35: Why did God tell Abraham to kill his son, Isaac?
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
One of the observations many skeptics make regarding the bible has to do with the nature of God; if God is truly as loving as Christians claim, why would God command Abraham to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice?
This is a fair question, and oftentimes the answers offered by Christians fall short of adequately explaining this apparent dichotomy between what we see in scripture regarding God's nature. If God is love, demanding a human sacrifice doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But when the ancient cultural context in which this narrative account is embedded is considered, this story of Abraham and Isaac, the son of promise, comes to life in ways many Christians have never considered, and a solid explanation is found that makes sense of what scripture reveals about God's nature.
Have questions? Suggestions? Email us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
E34: Biblical Unity pt 2
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Part 1 of our discussion on Biblical unity centered around how Kevin and Lee understood unity and how that perspective of Biblical unity as uniformity isn't what the scriptures teach.
In part 2, Kevin and Lee continue the discussion and delve into what Biblical unity does entail, and how all of God's people can pursue the spirit of unity in the bond of peace.
Have questions? Suggestions? Email us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
The sermon mentioned in this episode can be found here.
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
E33: Biblical Unity, pt 1
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
One of the fundamental characteristics of those who follow Christ is unity. But what is unity?
Does Biblical unity demand all Christians hold the same opinions on doctrine, worship practices, and Biblical interpretation? Kevin and Lee begin a discussion on the fundamentals of unity in this episode.
Send us you questions, concerns, and comments at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
E32: The Year in Review
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
In this episode, Kevin and Lee discuss the topics we studied and presented over the preceding year, positions we shifted on, concepts we aren't 'there' on yet, and more. We also discussed what's on the horizon for 2021.
We appreciate you all, and look forward to a great year in 2021! Reach out to us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
God Bless!
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Q&A 6: Hebrews 10:25 and the Assembly
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
In Episode 28, Kevin and Lee discussed Hebrews 10:25 and whether the context allows that passage to be read as a mandated obligation to assemble for a church service. That episode generated several questions from our audience, which we endeavored to answer in this Q&A.
Have other questions? Suggestions? Topics you'd like for us to study and discuss? Reach out to us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
Thanks for listening!
What does it mean to Explore Faith?
Everyone has a belief system. We believe what we believe in large part because of what we've been taught by our parents, grandparents, pastors, and faith leaders.
But what happens when our inherited belief systems no longer serve us? What happens when our faith divides rather than unites, causes strife instead of peace, and brings angst and anxiety in place of freedom and joy?
Kevin Pendergrass and Lee Grant found themselves asking these questions and began the process of exploring their belief systems in search of something better than what had been handed down to them. In their exploration of their faith, they found a God that loves all, whose grace is far bigger than they could have ever imagined.