Exploring Faith, Pursuing Grace
The EFPG podcast was started by Kevin Pendergrass and Dr. Lee Grant. After 105 episodes, Kevin and Lee needed a break, so they turned the reigns over to their good friend Daniel Rogers. Daniel is a co-minister at the North Broad Church in Albertville, Alabama. His website is https://danielr.net.
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
E47: The Holy Spirit, pt 1 - Brandon Johnson
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
The Holy Spirit? What is it? Is 'it' an it? Is the Holy Spirit a He? A force? A person? How does the Holy Spirit work? What does He do, and how does He do it?
These questions have been asked, answered, debated, and argued over for 2,000 years. We don't pretend to have an answer to every question about the Holy Spirit or His work, but we do know that He is involved in the life of a believer in some way.
In this short series, Brandon Johnson returns to walk us through what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit, and how the Holy Spirit can work in and enrich the life of every believer.Have questions? Concerns? Suggestions? Send em to us! exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com is the best way to reach us.Thanks for listening!
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
E46: Instrumental Music in Worship pt 3; Church History
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
In the third and final episode in our series discussing musical instruments, Kevin and Lee break down the objections made to using musical instruments in worship to God that are based on a faulty understanding of church history.
Did the early church fathers unanimously condemn instrumental worship? Did the reformers? We discuss these concepts and more in this episode!
Want to drop us a line and tell us how good we're doing? How terrible we are? You can let us know directly at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
E45: Instrumental Music in Worship pt 2 - Kevin (2012) vs. Kevin (2015/21) cont.
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
This is part 2 of our three part series on musical instruments in worship, where we continue the conversation and 'debate' between Kevin from 2012, and Kevin from 2015-present. While part 1 sets the stage, part 2 gets to the core issues of the discussion and the main points at which Kevin (and Lee) diverge from their previous understanding of this topic.
Send your comments, questions, suggestions, and hate mail (HA!) to us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com.
Thanks for listening!!
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
E44: Instrumental Music in Worship pt 1 - Kevin (2012) vs. Kevin (2015/21)
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Kevin is BACK! And upon his return we begin a discussion on a topic that has been requested by many of our listeners; is it unscriptural or sinful to use musical instruments in worship to God?
One of the defining characteristics of the Church of Christ is the utilization of acapella singing in worship. As Kevin and Lee both have a long history within the Churches of Christ, both have held the conviction that God does not desire nor does the Bible authorize the use of musical instruments in worship to him within the New Covenant era. It goes without saying that both Kevin and Lee's perspective on this topic has changed, and this episode is part one of a three part series that discusses why their perspective has changed on this topic.
In 2012, Kevin engaged in his final formal debate of his preaching career with Jason Weatherly. In this episode, we take audio from Kevin's first affirmative, and much like the 2019 Avengers had to contend with a time-travelling 2014 Thanos, Kevin and Lee 'debate' with 2012 Kevin.
This episode was a blast to record, and we hope our audience enjoys what becomes a lively discussion, especially in part 2.
Have questions? Requests? Thoughts or insights to share? Holler at us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
E43: Convictions and Spiritual Formation
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
In this episode Lee flies solo again, summarizing his spiritual journey over the previous year. Lee discusses the challenges he and his family faced in making the decision to leave their faith community, the reasons that lead them to do so, and why this isn't a choice that anyone should make lightly. Questions? Feedback? Concerns? Requests? Email us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.comThanks for listening!
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
E42: Convictions & Faith Journeys - Sarah Gonzales
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
This episode takes a different approach than our previous efforts. Kevin and Lee both come from a Churches of Christ background, and most of the guests on this podcast have either been from a similar background or have done work in Theology at a scholarly level. In this episode, Lee sits down to have a conversation with his good friend Sarah Gonzales, as she shares her faith journey from a legalistic paradigm to a more grace-centered spiritual worldview. Sarah's story is much different than Kevin's, Lee's, and most of the guests that have joined them on this podcast, so we know it will be a blessing to folks who have travelled a different road in their faith journey towards a better understanding and appreciation of God's grace.You can reach Kevin and Lee at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.comThanks for listening!
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
E41: Convictions & Paradigm Shifts - Daniel Rogers
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
In this episode Daniel Rogers returns to the podcast to discuss his faith journey, the paradigm shifts he experienced, and the challenges we face when going through the process of spiritual formation and re-formation. Eventually we all will face a concept that challenges our interpretation, and when that happens we have to decide how to proceed. Daniel and Lee have a conversation that discusses what that looks like, and we certainly hope that you'll be blessed by it.
Enjoy the show? Have a question you don't have a safe place to ask? A helpful suggestion? We'd love to hear from you! exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com is how to get ahold of us.
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
E40: Does "Progressive" Christianity disrespect the Bible? - Pastor Josh Scott
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
"Progressive" Christianity is often colored as an affront to the Bible, with progressive Christians characterized as people who don't care about the Bible, who just want to "do whatever they want", who have no regard for truth and don't respect God, Christ, or the scriptures.
In this episode, Kevin and Lee are joined by Josh Scott, pastor of GracePointe Church in Nashville, TN, who was the recent subject of an article in The Christian Post after his remarks about the innerancy of the Bible went (somewhat) viral.
Josh's work can be found here:
Give us a holler at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com!
Thanks for listening!
What does it mean to Explore Faith?
Everyone has a belief system. We believe what we believe in large part because of what we've been taught by our parents, grandparents, pastors, and faith leaders.
But what happens when our inherited belief systems no longer serve us? What happens when our faith divides rather than unites, causes strife instead of peace, and brings angst and anxiety in place of freedom and joy?
Kevin Pendergrass and Lee Grant found themselves asking these questions and began the process of exploring their belief systems in search of something better than what had been handed down to them. In their exploration of their faith, they found a God that loves all, whose grace is far bigger than they could have ever imagined.