Exploring Faith, Pursuing Grace
The EFPG podcast was started by Kevin Pendergrass and Dr. Lee Grant. After 105 episodes, Kevin and Lee needed a break, so they turned the reigns over to their good friend Daniel Rogers. Daniel is a co-minister at the North Broad Church in Albertville, Alabama. His website is https://danielr.net.
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Q&A 10, continued. Will Those Who Have Never Heard About Jesus REALLY Be Lost?
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
In our 10th Q&A, Kevin and Lee discussed the implications of Romans 2 and the Parable of the Good Samaritan and how those passages seem to imply that God's grace can extend even to those who have never heard about Jesus. We STRONGLY encourage you to listen to that episode before listening to this one.
That conversation generated a LOT of discussion in our discussion group, so Kevin and Lee thought it wise to continue the conversation.
Have questions? Comments? Give us a shout at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
E76: The ”Office” of an Elder - Dr. Patrick Mead
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
"1Ti 3:1 ¶ This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work."
Church governance has taken different forms across different denominations and religious groups. Within the Churches of Christ, church government is managed and overseen by Elders and Deacons. This arrangement can often lead to disagreements over the 'qualifications' of Elders, and whether or not a man meets those qualifications to serve as an Elder.
Dr. Patrick Mead, former pulpit minister of the 4th Avenue Church of Christ and co-founder and Senior Pastor of Our Safe Harbor Church joins Kevin and Lee for a conversation about his life, his ministry through the years, and the so-called 'office' of an Elder and how it can be approached in a very different yet still Biblical manner today.
More of Dr. Mead's work, including sermons and his "Who Told You..." series can be found on their YouTube Channel and Our Safe Harbor Church's podcast channel.
If you'd like to reach Kevin and Lee, email us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Holiday Special: Christmas
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Christmas is arguably the largest, most celebrated holiday in the world. Widely celebrated as the birth of Christ, when December rolls around on the calendar many Christians get excited and eagerly look forward to the festive season, while other Christians view the season as an opportunity to decry Christmas as a man-made, pagan tradition that Christians should take no part in.
Much like the previous Holiday Special on Halloween, Kevin and Lee examine Christmas and discuss the following questions;
Does Christmas find it's origin in paganism? Who first celebrated Christmas and why? How did December 25th come to be regarded as Jesus' birthday (we didn't get into the Eastern Orthodox view of Jan 6)? Is it possible to celebrate Christmas in a secular sense?
These questions and more are discussed in this episode.
Have other questions or comments? Shoot us an email at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thank you for listening!
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
E75: Coping with the Betrayal of Pornography Addiction - Lyschel Burket
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
In episodes 29 and 30, Brandon Johnson joined us for a discussion about pornography addiction. Since then, we've received multiple questions and requests concerning resources for wives of husbands who have experienced their own trauma that arises from their husband's addiction to pornography.
Joining us in this episode is Lyschel Burket with Hope Redefined, a not-for-profit ministry that helps wives manage and work through the betrayal trauma that comes from porn addiction.
If you have questions, comments, or requests of your own, reach out to us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
www.hoperedefined.org is the webpage for Lyschel's ministry, and is an invaluable resource for any wife dealing with betrayal trauma.
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
E74: Interfaith Dialogue - Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Donald McKenzie
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
The three branches of the Abrahamic religious tree are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each of these monotheistic faith systems have many differences, but they also have much in common. On this episode, Kevin and Lee are joined by Muslim Imam Jamal Rahman and Pastor Donald McKenzie. Jamal and Donald are two of the three members of the 'Interfaith Amigos', and along with Rabbi Ted Falcon (who unfortunately was unable to join us in our conversation) have worked for 20 years to increase interfaith dialogue between adherents of all religions.
This was a fun and profitable conversation, and we think you'll enjoy it!
For more info on the Interfaith Amigos, check out their website www.interfaithamigos.com
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Q&A 10: Will Those Who Have Never Heard About Jesus be Lost?
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
After our episode discussing the parable of the Good Samaritan, we received several questions from you guys about the ramifications of what Kevin stated in that episode; does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach that there's a possibility that those who have never heard about Jesus could find redemption? Kevin believes that may well be, but Lee isn't quite sure about that prospect.
We received enough questions from our listeners along those lines to warrant this Q and A episode, and we hope you enjoy it!
Reach out to us with your questions and comments at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
E73: Coping with Grief During the Holidays - Joy Gaertner
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Everyone faces loss and grief in their lives. Losing a loved one, the end of a relationship, or even a transition from one stage of life to another can cause feelings of grief. How do we deal with those feelings effectively, especially around the holidays?
Kevin and Lee are joined by Joy Gaertner, a certified, licensed grief counselor who has helped thousands of clients address their grief in a way that honors their grief and allows them to process the complex emotions that often accompany grief through the Grief Recovery Method, a peer-reviewed and evidence-based system of therapeutically recovering from grief and loss.
More information about Joy and her work in grief recovery can be found at www.walkingwithjoy.com
Need to reach out to us? Shoot us a message at exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
E72: Rethinking ”Disfellowship” - Brandon Johnson
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Brandon Johnson returns to the podcast for a conversation about a heavy, often painful topic; the withdrawing of fellowship from a fellow believer.
The topic of disfellowship (excommunication in some circles) is a heavy topic for many. The practice of disfellowshiping fellow believers happens far too often, many times for trivial reasons. Families, churches, and communities have been torn apart as a result of needless and flippant withdrawal of fellowship between Christians. While there is a time and place for withdrawing fellowship from a fellow believer, this practice is one that should never be considered lightly and should only be utilized as a measure of last resort.
In this episode, Kevin, Brandon, and Lee discuss their experience with this practice in terms of being on both the 'giving' and 'receiving' end of disfellowship, what the Bible says about this practice, and how Christians can and should do better.
Questions? Comments? Email us! exploringfaithpursuinggrace@gmail.com
Thanks for listening!
What does it mean to Explore Faith?
Everyone has a belief system. We believe what we believe in large part because of what we've been taught by our parents, grandparents, pastors, and faith leaders.
But what happens when our inherited belief systems no longer serve us? What happens when our faith divides rather than unites, causes strife instead of peace, and brings angst and anxiety in place of freedom and joy?
Kevin Pendergrass and Lee Grant found themselves asking these questions and began the process of exploring their belief systems in search of something better than what had been handed down to them. In their exploration of their faith, they found a God that loves all, whose grace is far bigger than they could have ever imagined.